evening coffee with Cynthea: topic? pb revision 9-1-1 by Cynthea Posted on June 19, 2006June 24, 2006 Random Stuff I must run but I just wanted everyone to know a new article is up. revision 9-1-1 for fiction picture books
NICE! Another thing a person should take into consideration is that a publisher must invest upwards of $100,000 to make a pb. It pushes me harder as a writer to keep this in mind. I’m always thinking, is THIS worth $100,000? Reply
Another thing a person should take into consideration is that a publisher must invest upwards of $100,000 to make a pb.
It pushes me harder as a writer to keep this in mind. I’m always thinking, is THIS worth $100,000?
We’ve missed you. Don’t work yourself into a frenzy it’s not good for Waskily Wabbits.
Very true. I will add that to the article. (Duh!)
hahaha! Thanks!