You know her as Beb. Bubba. B.
I know her as the woman who just landed a Blooming Tree Press contract for her novel OF ATVS AND ANGELS!
Bev will be coming to an LJ near you. But until that time, feel free to leave your Whoot-Whoots! here.
Bev, as some of you may know, is also my treasured crit partner. (Yes, that’s right. She gets Free-tiques whenever she wants. Everyone, be jealous.)
And get this, I had the honor of taking Bev out to celebrate. Now here’s your chance to leave your shout-out (do it again if you’ve already left comments everywhere on Verla’s). This girl deserves it!
Don’t worry, folks, she could drive home afterwards. hahahaha! Anyone who can guess what she’s drinking will win a free-tique. Yeah, that’s right. You heard me. (This will be very very hard- I am looking for exact flavor in addition to type of drink. So make and model. Not just make.)
Snoop says:
Looks like a daquiri to me. I like banana. guess is… an oreo milkshake.
Donna E.
Nope, try again!
it looks like bubble tea (pearl milk tea/tapioca tea).
Try again! I’ve modified the text above to show everyone exactly what I’m looking for.
Congratulations, Bev!
Hmm…pina colada milkshake? That’s what I’d be havin’.
Yay, Bev!
Boba tea or bubble tea and I’m guessing it’s pineapple.
hahaha! Nope.
Sorry. Try again!
At first I thought of a White Russian Milkshake but Ben & Jerry’s retired that flavor
so I’ll go with a Cherry Garcia Milkshake
Bev, does your book have a ‘guess the drink’ mystery in it, too?
I’m sticking with bubble tea and saying it’s coconut flavored. (I was going to say pickle flavored, like your new editor’s web name, but then you wouldn’t look so happy sipping it.)
Could it be a chocolate mint milkshake, either made with thin mints or some knock off of thin mints, since thin mints are not easy to find all year?
Congratulations BEV!!!
My first guess (oreo milkshake is already wrong).
So, I’ll try this: Ice coffee with carmel flavor & whipped cream.
-Angela C
Frozen lychee bubble tea?
Okay, after consultation with a friend (he doesn’t want a crit btw) here’s what we’ve come up with:
Bev is drinking an ice mocha with tapioca pearls. (There might be espresso flavor or chocolate syrup but the basic drink is the ice coffee (espresso / mocha / etc…) and the bottom of the glass is the pearls.
You were right, this is difficult… especially since every chain / joint / hang out / country has their own names for similar drink combos!!!
Ooooo, some of you are SOOOOO close;)
And thanks for the congrats!
One of the MIRIAD of perks to being Cyn’s crit partner is a free lunch upon a sale.
Wowee, I better get hustlin’ cuz I’m gettin’ hungry
(and thirsty!) again:)
And no, the Guess the Drink contest is entirely CL’s invention. Hard to believe? I think not.
write on,
Because I’d never heard of dragonfruit before but somehow have seen it three times since Saturday, I’ll say Dragonfruit flavored bubble tea?
Turkish delight?
We know it’s bubble tea because of the straws –humm, now for the flavor –I’ll try Irish Creme Bubble Tea
yummy! But nope!
No doubt! Coconut bubble tea is not it though.
Oooohh! Sounds fabulous. Now I sorta wish it was that. But nope. that’s not it.
Buzz! Try again.
Yes, the lychee is very versatile. But lychee bubble tea is not it.
Buzz again! The reason why it’s so hard is because this drink “as labelled” does not usually look like this. So don’t let the color throw you off.
Oh, man. Dragonfruit Bubble Tea Sounds awesome. But nope. Scan the earlier comments for a tip.
And here’s another hint: the answer can actually be put together from clues in this comment.
Now, go!
Another excellent answer. But I’m afraid that is not it. :(. Try again.
Your rules do not state that we can’t guess more than once so here are my Bubble Tea flavors
Taro – which has a cookie and cream flavor
Green Tea
Hahaha! I just made a new rule. Only one guess at a time. You must wait for a response before you submit another guess.
The last one was not it.Â
Coffee Bubble Tea
Peanut Butter Cup Bubble Tea
Mango Bubble Tea!
Congratulations Bev
My guess is pineapple pina colada
Did you mean the last comment as a whole, or the last guess — Green Tea, was not it?
is this what the slush pile is like? submission, rejection, submission, rejection, submission…
Bev, you’re so lucky to be drinking…strawberry bubble tea?
The whole thing. I cut you a break.
Oh wow. I didn’t know Reese’s was into the bubble tea market now. Wow!
It does look like that, doesn’t it? But nope.
Close but no cigar.
mint chocolate bubble tea
WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats, Bev, can’t wait to read your book! Kristin
First off, a huge congratulations Beverly Patt!!Yeehaw!!
as for the bubble tea, how about raspberry-pomegranate?
I couldn’t decide so put them together. Yum!
Congrats to Kristin!
Cynthea your site is never boring!!
Well – if all else fails
How about a milk shake
Forgot the category – I meant a vanilla milk shake
Sorry, but that isn’t it!
Aw, Thanks Angela!
Nope, that’s not it. Thanks for trying!
Nope, but thanks for trying!