RLGL: We Love Libraries, Round 11 Results, new racers may enter at any time

Will Round 12 happen? Help us make it to 350 comments by Wednesday, April 30th 11:59PM CST, and the race is on!

The challenge post is here.  Please leave a comment (one per person!).


THIS JUST IN: Round 11 Twitter Thoughts from Snoop are posted.  http://www.twitter.com/thesnooper

Twitter Thoughts do not replace actual feedback you will receive from Snoop if you ask him WHY? WHY? WHY? (see below).  Usually, Snoop has good things to say, too, but in the interest of keeping his tweets short, he got right to the point. If you request feedback for your work, you will usually get a little more than just that.

Snoop will continue to post his LIVE responses to help others see how his mind ticks for future rounds, if there will be one.

THIS JUST IN-IN! We have a winner for the Free-tique for novelists! #88!!!!! Still one open free-tique slot for a PB and ALL age-levels may continue to play just for the sake of playing and getting feedback.

To enter a new work: See full rules and details here.

Okay, back to business. Snoop has reviewed works submitted before Sunday’s deadline.  All other works received afterward will be automatically entered into the next round.

Here are the results for round 11.

Back to Start Send in next page Page Received
239-PB 2
244-MG 1
164-MG 6
212-MG 5
242-PB 2
210-PB 4*
200-MG 6*
162-MG 6
239-YA 2
245-PB 1
181-YA 6
240-MG 2*
76-MG 11*
88-MG 11
243-PB 2*

If there is an asterisk next to your page, this means you are in jeopardy of losing Snoop’s interest. There’s your warning.

If you do not see your number listed here at all, check previous round results, and if there’s still no match, contact Snoop and forward the submission you believe Snoop may have missed.

That’s all, folks!

SNOOP SAYS, “Green Light!”

Green light! You have until Wed, April 29th, 11:59PM CST to submit your stuff for the next round.

Reminder: Snoop is returning email feedback now. To receive yours, send an email to *this special address: whysnoop AT cynthealiu DOT com. NOT snoop AT cynthealiu DOT com. Got it?

The subject of your email should go like this: WHY, WHY, WHY? Entry #, Type of Work, Your MS title. (e.g. , WHY, WHY, WHY? #14, PB, Nothing New under the Bun). In the body of your email, PASTE everything you sent in for that Entry #. So if you got to page 3, paste in Page 1-3 in that email. This way Snoop will not have to dig around his inbox for all the emails to refresh his memory. Submit ONE email per Entry #. Three entry #s? Three emails. Okay? This way Snoop can work though each entry at a time between bites of carrot during breakfast or before he runs out to the store to get some Gummi Bears. Wait patiently for feedback as Snoop will work through them as soon as he can, without his brain exploding. Finally, please do not email Snoop about the status of your feedback until he has announced here at Writing for Children and Teens that he has finished returning all feedback.

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