Snoop would like to announce the results for the Free-tique Contest with Agent Jennifer Jaeger of ABLA!
FINALISTS – (you have won a quick-crit)
- Sarah Tregay, YA, A KISS IN PARIS
- Steve Arnold, YA, TRIPLE THREAT
- Gregory Stephen Fields, MG, BRINGING DOWN THE HOUSE
- Cherie Colyer, YA, BLOOD TIES
HONORABLE MENTION – (you have won a quick-crit, too)
- Maya Creedman Ho, MG, UNLUCKY FOUR
- Bette Anne Rieth, MG, REBEL SCHOOL
WINNERS (you have won an agent crit from Jennifer Jaeger and a free-tique from C LIU)
Again, in no particular order. It was just too hard to pick out one over the other.
- Bill Capossere, PB, HERE COMES THE WIND
- Kimberly Wehner, YA, KNUCKLEBONE
And our RANDOM WINNER of a free-tique is….

This concludes the results of our free-tique contest! We’re sorry we couldn’t respond to everyone for this contest, but Snoop and I promise we’ll be back to our old games like OFFICE HOURS and RLGL in the near future where everyone will get a chance at some quick feedback.
Snoop was very impressed with all the entries, particularly for those contestants who let Snoop know this was their first submission to anything ever. He is so proud of all of you, and he hopes this contest is not a source of sorrow for anyone. You should be pleased with yourself for getting your work out there and taking the brave step to be judged by one very critical rabbit. Everyone should keep in mind that all decisions made in picking finalists were completely based on one bunny’s opinion (with Cynthea’s help) and a failure to final does not mean anything for your submission. In the real world, our road to publication will be similar. We’re looking to impress a single editor (or more)! And we’ll face many “not right for me’s” along the way. So with that said, even though your manuscript wasn’t a match for Snoop, that doesn’t mean it isn’t right for someone else. The same holds true for Finalists–a nod from Snoop doesn’t always mean a yes everywhere else either. (Snoop would like to think otherwise, but we all know he has a very inflated ego.)
Now…housekeeping details. If you’ve won something, you should receive the crits within the next couple of weeks. If you do not receive them by November 19th, feel free to harass Snoop at SNOOP AT CYNTHEALIU DOT COM. Please do not harass our dear agent Jennifer. Snoop will be handling inquiries related to crits.
Also, if anyone has any questions or wants to wish the people listed here a hearty congrats, feel free to post your comments. I will open this post for public comment.
Happy writing!
Cynthea and Snoop
Congratulations to all the winners, and thanks, Cynthea and Snoop, for a great contest!
Congratulations to the winners! Thank you Snoop and Cynthea for all the hard work that went into this contest. Thank you Jennifer for the hard work of judging the finalists.
I feel so sad that my submission wasn’t good enough to be a finalist, but that just means I need to keep working.
Congratulations to all of the winners and finalists! And thanks again, Snoop and Cynthea, for running the contest!
Congrats to all who entered and especially to those finalists and winners. Big thanks to Cynthea and Snoop for an exciting contest.
I am dying of curiosity to read the winning entries! Congrats guys. I hope to see the same titles on the bookstore shelves. Thank you Jennifer, Cynthea and Snoop. To everyone, all the best.
Congratulations to all of the winners and finalists! Thank you Snoop and Cynthea for putting on the contest, and Jennifer for being a part of it.
Thanks, Cynthea, for all your work! And my regards to Snoop, along with a giant turnip…
Thanks for the contest, and congrats to the winners!
Congratulations to the winners and many thanks to Cynthea and Snoop for hosting this contest!
Oh, my, GOSH! I got an HM. Thanks Snoop and Cynthea for a great contest. Congrats to all.
I appreciate all of your hard work, Cynthea and Snoop! Extra carrots for all the winners…
Hello and congrats to all the winners!
I do, however, have a question! In your 29 October email you stated that over half the entries were picture books. If that is indeed the case, why were no picture books among the finalists?
There was one picture book among the finalists, which is a pretty accurate reflection of what you’re up against in the picture book market (about 1% make it to the top). And that one picture book is about 1% of the picture book manuscripts that were submitted. There were more novelists as finalists because, let’s face it, we only saw the first three chapters. Had it been the whole manuscript, there probably would have been far fewer finalists and the percentage would have come down quite a bit as there’s a great possibility the novels would fall apart somewhere in the middle or the end. You can’t tell everything from the first three. But with a whole picture book manuscript, you can.
I hope that makes sense. Unfortunately, there is no way to consider a whole novel manuscript for a contest like this. But I hope that helps explain why there were more novelist finalists than there were picture book finalists.
Thanks Snoop (and Cynthea and Jennifer) for this opportunity. It really got me to motivated to finish up those manuscripts and actually submit. Congratulations to all the finalists.
Congratulations to all the finalists and also to the three winners.
And thanks Cynthea and Jennifer for offering this opportunity.
A big thank you to Cynthia and Snoop for all the time and effort. Much appreciated.
And many congrats to all the winners/finalists/HMs