Fan Mail

What people are saying about C LIU’s critiques

(Do you have your own fan mail for Cynthea? Share in the comments below!)

“THE most thoughtful critique I’ve ever, ever gotten, and I’ve gotten a lot … lately all I’ve been getting is pats on the back for my WIP, and while they feel great, I knew the first draft of my new story wasn’t perfect … So your comments are so very appreciated.” — now published YA author of three books with G.P. Putnam’s Sons

“ It’s funny the mixture of emotions a crit can make me feel. Kind of hurt/pissed off first when I don’t get an automatic gold star. Then embarrassed at all the mistakes. Humbled. And now … ecstatic. Because you were so right about [X] … just that one pointer I think is going to make this story so much better.” – YA author under-contract with a three-book deal from Hyperion

“You critiqued three chapters of my MG story … and your critique was one of the things that inspired me to work on this story last year … Fast forward to this year. I finished the story, sent it to my agent, who sold the story … ” – now published MG author with Roaring Brook Press and Scholastic

“Thank you! Your critique was painful, but I expected that … Clearly, I have a big revision job ahead, but, honestly,  I feel relieved. Now I know what’s been bothering me about this story and I have an idea of how to fix it. Thank you again!”

“I wish I could give you a ginormous hug! I haven’t read through the entire sample yet, but the endnotes alone gave me more help than entire writing courses I’ve taken (and paid big $ for!) You can bet I’ll be back for more “wringing.” And you can bet I will tell my writer friends where to get the best feedback for their buck!”

“After reading through my ‘Trike’  critique from Cynthea, I felt oddly exhilarated. I say oddly because believe me, there was evidence of some serious battering and bruising. But the exhilaration remained because she was so thorough and so utterly honest … Her feedback was complete, consistent and – despite its no-nonsense, lack of sugar coating delivery – genuinely kind. If you are  looking for an answer to the question, “What do I really need to do to improve my writing and this story?” Cynthea will answer that for you.  I came out the other side energized and ready to slay my particular story  demons.”

“I was overly impressed with the thoroughness of your critique.  It was evident that you had completely entrenched yourself into the story and offered thoughtful feedback, suggestions and, of course, criticism – positive and negative.  You fully explained yourself through the suggested change, which definitely helped my understanding. I have nothing negative to say about your critique style and delivery.”

“… the 22 page overview you sent was so thorough and thoughtful. I appreciate learning how the book read to you. Also, the detailed character and plot analysis plus scene by scene suggestions are incredibly helpful. I have a lot to think on. The general advice you give on revision (such as the suggestion not to address things point by point, accepting or rejecting advice but to mull it over) is also great… Thanks so much for the feedback. I am so happy X referred you. It came at the exact right time …”

My expectation was that I was going to be trampled on (concept, style, grammar – you name it) to the point that I hoped my inexperience with writing wasn’t going to be overbearing for your task, but from your feedback, it seems it wasn’t too bad and I have potential – that was refreshing (although shocking).  Energized?  Incredibly!”

“Thank you so very much for your feedback. You’ve given me a lot to think about. I really appreciate your insights. I’m always amazed at how you are able to look at such a small sample and see what is going on with it and how it might be better. Are all bunnies good at critiquing?”
“..thanks for your comments on my ms. You were right– w/ what you did w/ 5 pages, I gotta wonder what you’d do w/ 20! lol You & Snoop are amazing.”

“You critiqued three chapters of my mg story… and your critique was one of the things that inspired me to work on this story last year …Fast forward to this year. I finished the story, sent it to my agent, who sold the story to Roaring Brook Press!”

“If you haven’t experienced the love that is a Liu-tique, you’re missing out! This woman is amazing. Really. I told her she should be charging top coinage for her sage-iness. Hop on board, people! You won’t regret it.”

“I proposed marriage to her after my critique. Sadly we are both already married and heterosexual. But I am her slave for life.”

“Well… I could go for a stiff drink right about now. Thank you very much for going through it so thoroughly. You rock, you do…”

“I got one of her critiques last night for the first time, & it was fantastic! SO helpful, and plenty of insights I hadn’t thought of! Not only that, but it was probably the FASTEST critique I’ve ever gotten…This was a manuscript I’d pretty much given up on, & now I have ideas for breathing life into it…Yippee for Cynthea!”

“Warning to others: Not only does Cynthea look good, but she’s scary good with her editing pen too. And trust me, I saw plenty of her red ink on my chapter. Ouch, I’ve seen less red on episodes of E.R…”

Once you get past the initial thought that she absolutely hates everything after “Chapter 1″, you’ll start to realize she really knows what she’s doing. I haven’t actually gotten past that point yet, but I’m sure within the next 48 hours …”

“As for the critique: I spent most of the time either screaming out “Yes! Yes! Yes! That is exactly what I meant but I couldn’t figure
out how to get it out right! How did she know?” and reading in wonderment as you cut through my drivel to the real soul of the scene…”

“I have to give a shout out to Cynthea who showed me the light with her critique of my first chapter on my WIP. I’ve already said it in e-mail, but thank you, Cynthea.”

3 thoughts on “Fan Mail

    1. Aw! Thank you for your note! I really love hearing this feedback, and I do have a swimming book in progress! It is really great to hear that I’m not wrong that a swimming book is in order! 🙂

  1. I recently read your book The Dare and I really liked it. I read the another’s note and I think there should be a sequel and it should be about Paris. She is such a relatable character. I like the drama that goes on, Mayo, Sam, Cole, and the family and it is very interesting. The Dare was a well written and engaging book, I really enjoyed it!

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