Hi everyone, PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR ENTRY NUMBERS AND BOOK TYPE in your future email subject lines (if you have a number). I will begin disqualifying participants if this rule is broken. I'm starting to get irritated. 🙂
Also let me know if I missed you somehow.
New entrants:
29,33,34,35,36,38 – go back to start.
37,39,40,41,42 – proceed to page 2.
27 – proceed to page 3.
20,23 – proceed to page 4.
19-CB,18-YA – proceed to page 5.
5-YA,9-CB,10-PB – proceed to page 6.
SNOOP SAYS, "GREEN LIGHT!" The next results will be posted Monday morning if all goes as planned. Enjoy your weekend, everyone.
Hi 24, I looked you up and it appears I got your pages (2 and 3) after I posted results for Round Five. Therefore, your results will appear in Round Six on Monday. Did you send the pages to be on Friday night? That’s what the email says.